Welcome to the
Essentials for Your Future Giveaway!

Sponsored by Sheila Cash and the EvolutionaryPlayground.global

You may begin downloading your Conscious Gifts now!

Be sure to bookmark this page for continued access until April 13th, 2023.

Enjoy the many tools and resources that will each carry you over the threshold to your next chapter ahead!

Sheila Cash,
The New Human Master Coach

Sheila’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

“Are You a New Human?”
Embrace 8 Essential Qualities to Your Seamless Future

Don’t miss this visionary guidance that won the “Editor’s Choice Award” by Celebrity Press for Outstanding Contribution to “Success Breakthroughs” that Sheila co-authored with Jack Canfield.

Join Sheila Cash in this compelling manuscript where she shares dynamic insights into becoming a new human. Revealed are 8 essential qualities that will allow you to quickly evolve into a state of ease, empowered balance, accelerated wisdom, and deep meaning in even the most challenging circumstances of your life.

Gennye Lion Rainbow Anderzon,
New Earth Mentor, Channel, & Master Healer

Gennye’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Learn the 7 Levels of Embodied Leadership

This is an intimate training for established visionary healers, spiritual coaches, and changemakers with proven client results.

Learn exactly how I help my clients become EMBODIED visionary leaders and step into the global impact role they were born to be in.

Lisa Witter,
Psycho-Spiritual Counselor, Tantric Meditation Teacher, Author & Creator of the Karmic Warrior Oracle

Lisa’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

The Secret To Finding Fulfillment Beyond Success

Unlock the secret to finding fulfillment beyond success in life and work.

Most people don’t realize that desire plays a crucial role in our sense of fulfillment. But depending on the type of desire we have, it can either lead us to true and lasting fulfillment or leave us feeling unfulfilled.

Learn how non-dual Tantra can help you fulfill your deepest desires and unlock a natural flow of abundance and creativity in your life.

Alan Stevens,
International Profiling & Communications Specialist

Alan’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

How to Persuade & Influence Behaviours of Others

Have you ever wanted to be able to read other people’s minds and know what they are thinking? That’s impossible, but I can show you the best next thing. I’ll show you what makes people tick!

In just 28 minutes, you’ll get valuable tips that you can use immediately to build better, stronger, and more respectful relationships in all areas of your life — for the rest of your life.

Nancy Lee Bentley,
Food & Wholistic Health Expert a.k.a. "That Gutsy Lady"

Nancy’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

JumpStart Your Health Eating:
Dessert First!?!

Are you, like so many of us, realizing that eating healthier is KEY to both our present and future health, well-being, and longevity? Even our planetary survival? Yet, that doesn’t make it less challenging to know where to start or how to get ourselves to do it

Good news — it doesn’t have to be hard! You CAN even enjoy sweets and be healthy! Get started and stick with it by downloading Nancy’s step-by-step, easy & delicious, recipe and action guide!

Art Giser,
The Creator of Energetic NLP, Master Healer, Psychic,
& NLP Trainer

Art’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Unconscious and Spiritual BlockBusting

Stop endlessly analyzing yourself. Using Energetic NLP, transformation is easy and fun. Set intentions, learn how to put your spirit in charge, and let the magic happen.

These Energetic NLP “Energy Spa” videos clear spiritual, energetic, and unconscious blocks to living a meaningful, successful, and miraculous life — without hard work or having to analyze yourself. Heal karma, spiritual contracts, and energetic and unconscious programming, and automatically replace them with empowering abilities, beliefs, and supportive energies.

Kenji Kumara,
Facilitator of Consciousness, Spiritual Catalyst, & Creator of Quantum Lightweaving

Kenji’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

7:7 Stargate Activation

Use this 7:7 Stargate Activation to initiate the clearing of family bindings, attachments, energy cords, and enmeshments. Much of humanity has inherited ancient miasms’ of mental illness and disease.

Our genes, chromosomes, and DNA have been affected by family karmic patterns of false beliefs, money limitations, mental body judgments, church doctrine, political fake news & societal pressures, mores, and conditioning that today, no longer apply to Starseeders and Wayseers.

Alana Cahoon,
Mindfulness Coach, Integrative Energy Healer, & Founder of Grow 2 B U

Alana’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Meditation Made Simple:
7 Steps to Create Calm & Clarity

Explore a variety of meditation styles — from the breath to sound, candle flame, intentions, and mantras.

And it’s easy! A step-by-step process is provided to make meditating something you look forward to!

For the beginner and seasoned meditator alike, this e-Book offers an introduction and review of the foundations of the practice, so that you can meditate anywhere — for as short as 2 minutes — to bring back a sense of calm and clarity.

Manifest Ra,
Founder of Heal Humanity, Qigong Healer, MINDFUL Motivational Speaker, & Lightworker

Manifest Ra’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Complimentary Qigong Session

InnerG Work Qigong will help participants cultivate, harmonize, and enhance their life force for improved health, inner peace, and mental clarity.

The disintegration of the global 3D paradigm equates to rapid upheaval and change which can increase stress, fear, and anxiety about the future. InnerG Work Qigong can provide you with tools to calmly and confidently navigate the planetary shift to 5D.

Important Note: You will receive instructions to redeem your free Qigong session upon submitting the form when you click the button below.

Julia Kyambi,
Intuitive Somatic & Spiritual Life Coach and Guide

Julia’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

7 Steps To Expansive Inner Freedom

It’s time to feel peaceful, grounded, whole, self-empowered, and soul-connected, and to let your unique inner magic unfold in the world.

Shift into expansive inner freedom with the support of this inspiring e-Book. By redeeming this free gift, you’ll also join my list and receive lots more valuable inspirations and resources that will help you tap into the true power of your expansive being.


Dr. Doug Lehrer, DC,
CEO, & Creator of Cellular Resonance Quantum Healing

Dr. Lehrer’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

The 7 Quantum Healing Secrets

Discover the secrets to heal the true underlying causes of most physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions.

In this e-Book, you will discover the key principles to resolving the trauma, stress, and epigenetic familial causes of pain, depression, anxiety, and chronic health conditions — to turn on the brain, body, and soul’s innate healing powers.

Dr. Lehrer discusses clinical evidence-based research and innovations of cellular resonance techniques to help health practitioners get miracles with their patients.

Moira Hutchison,
Intuitive Coach, Mindset Mentor, Meditation Teacher, & Tarot Card Reader

Moira’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Access the Magic Within:
Tap Into and Trust Your Gift of Intuition

Can you relate?

You are aware that you are intuitive, but it feels “hit or miss” …

You don’t trust your intuition when it comes to making BIG decisions …

What if you never doubted or felt compelled to second-guess your intuitive insights or answers again?

With this course, there’s no need for second-guessing or doubting your intuition. You’ll learn how to access your unique intuitive gifts and trust the guidance they offer.

Dr. Ida Greene, PhD,
The Soul Whisperer Coach

Dr. Ida’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Intuition Magic

Use this e-Book to discover the magic of incorporating your intuition in your business and life for more clients, sales, cash flow, and fulfilling relationships.

Thomas Workman & AJ Cavanagh,
Intuitive Channels and
Joy Practitioners,
Speaking from Source LLC

Thomas and AJ’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

5 High-Vibe Practices for the Coming Shift

A powerful shift in our collective and individual consciousness is underway. These new energies can feel overwhelming, but the Universe is providing instructions for how we can thrive in this new consciousness.

In this free e-Book, Thomas and AJ share some of the most dynamic practices from The Guides over years of channeling their messages. These five high-vibe practices are simple habits to help you expand and thrive — making the most of this important shift.

Carole Franques,
Integrative Holistic Practitioner & Facilitator of Exponential Shifts in Consciousness™

Carole’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Guide to Greeting The Deepest You!

Within layers of experiences — who are you beneath the goo of this eternal life? Your inner journey is filled with opportunities through self-awareness practices to establish new relationships and create palpable shifts in perceptions.

Through sensory experiences, you reach higher levels of consciousness while igniting your Sacred powers and unveiling your phenomenal multidimensionality. Give yourself that gift of self-discovery and activate the potentialities awaiting to manifest. Start today with my gift!

Gertrud de Witte,
Energy Healer, Transformation Coach, & Soul Purpose Blueprint Oracle

Gertrud’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Heal Your Relentless Inner Critic

Is your inner critic stopping you from getting YOU and your PURPOSE out into the world?

Grab your FREE Inner Critic Healing MP3 now and experience a simple, yet powerful and transformational way to heal yourself from your karmic, ancestral, and current life's imprints that block you from shining your brightest light …

So that you can make the impact you came here to make!

Dr. Shree Vaidya, MD,
MRCP (UK), Yogalution: Inventor of D.I.Y. Back-Massage

Dr. Shree’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Gymless Fitness:
Get Fit, At Home, in 15 Minutes a Day!

You need fitness to enjoy what you have and what you aspire to achieve.

Does the idea of “spending just 1% of your day to enjoy the 99%” appeal to you?

Gymless Fitness is the world’s shortest, simplest, structured exercise program for all ages, shapes, and sizes — and for anybody with no time, energy, or money for the gym.

This is guaranteed to work for you so long as you work on it …

To your fit future!

Ann Gibson,
Aviator, Alchemist, Author, Adventurer, & Alignment Coach

Ann’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Aliveness, Purpose, & Freedom Await!

How big-hearted, mission-driven souls re-invent themselves and create a courageous life of more simplicity, meaning, & freedom!

In this FREE masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • How to use the 5-stage Personal Alchemy Process to create more of what you want and less of what you don’t want!

  • The simple hacks that optimize your body & brain to “Become Limitless” and serve as a foundation for greater aliveness!

  • How to become fearless in the pursuit of your wildest dreams!

Carla Grillo,

Life Transitions Coach

Carla’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

A 20-Minute Coaching Session

Who do you aspire to be?

As a Certified Professional Coach, I will partner with you to make the best of any life transition — from day-to-day activities to life-changing events — by exploring options, identifying opportunities, and releasing what may be holding you back from becoming who you aspire to be and from getting what you want out of your life.

Anna Segura,
Shaman & Master Hypnotist at Illuminating Stories®, LLC

Anna’s FREE Conscious Gift To You:

Reset Fight/Flight
Guided Shamanic Ceremony

This ceremony resets your fight-or-flight response by tuning into the heartbeat of Mother Earth. The ceremony is designed to create a safe space for you to release your fears and anxieties, allowing you to tap into your inner strength and resilience.

The second half of the ceremony transitions to a guided progressive relaxation to help seal in the energetics of the ceremony, leaving you feeling safe, relaxed, empowered, and resilient.

Important Note: Use the code reset at checkout to redeem this free gift.

Step into spring and spring into step with your new resources!
May your path ahead be illumined.
— Sheila Cash

Feel free to contact Sheila at EvolveYourLife@SheilaCash.com with any questions.